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Yep! So we do not recommend your high heals or flip flops for this one.

How long is it? 

Just over a mile long walk..possible running.

How  long does it take to get through?

It takes about 30-45 minutes to get through on average.

If I am too scared/change my mind /Chicken out can I get a refund? 

NEW LOCATION! 619 Pearl St. (D-19) Pinckney, MI 48169. We are directly off of D-19 on the same property also known as Hell Survivors Paintball and Airsoft. Use the camp ground parking (follow the sigs for FREE parking!)

Do you offer anything if I want to skip the line?

No, we did our job if that is the case. However we still want to help! Find one of our team members to see about having one of our members walk through with you. We also offer "Monster Repellent" at our ticket booth for $1.00.

Is their Security on site? 

Yes. We will have multiple Security stationed outside and throughout the forest. 

What is the age limit? 

Can the ACtors touch me?

No, we accept Cash andCredit cards, we do not take America Express. We do not accept Checks. Once you purchase your tickets ALL SALES ARE FINAL. 

What should I wear? 

Dress accordingly to the will be fall and you are walking through the woods. Tennis shoes/boots are the best options.Heels...not a wise choice.  

Although this is not a "touch haunt" you will be walking in the woods at night guided by dim  light. Our actors jobs are to scare you, creep you out and over all entertain you. There is no touching, but the tight spacing it is a possibility
The only touching is during our Special event "BLOOD BASH" EVENT. See the date for that special event! Otherwise we do not touch!

Can I touch the actors if they get too close? 

ABSOLUTLY NOT!  The job of the actor is to make you uncomfortable, scared and/or entertained. We have eyes throughout the woods and fast communication and response. If you touch an actor(s)  on purpose, you will be removed from the property  immediately with no refunds. 

We love scaring and entertaining all ages. However we do recommend that this is not suitable for under 13. Use your best judgement...we are not responsible for sleepless children after walking through the woods.The night creatures will not hold back. We have had all ages come through, you know your child best.

Can I carry my weapon? 

Although we respect your freedom to carry, we do not permit weapons of any kind on the property. This is for the safety of the event, the staff and the actors. You will be in a haunted attraction, being scared/startled with a weapon is not a good mix. 
However we do have trained and CPL approved staff that do carry in case of any unwanted situation. This is a fun event not one to come and have issues. Be smart.

Is the Forest Handicap Accessible?

Not completely. But that doesn't mean no! We are in the woods, so a more off road friendly wheelchair you are use to taking in the woods would be ok. We also have a brand new midway with other things to do. Give us a call to discuss, if anything we are happy to give you some places that are 100% accessible! We want everyone to enjoy halloween! 

Are you open in the rain?

Yes....and no. As long as the paths are not muddy where it can become slippery and dangerous. We will be open! 99.5% of the time we are open. We definitely open at least for the first hour! Many times when it says rain, we are clear! Keep an eye out on our facebook page, we constantly update through the day to let you know! We also have covered hangout areas to stay dry by the fire! 

Is there inside waiting?

We are an outdoor attraction. But new for this year we have a lot of covered space and seating! 

Are there restrooms?

Yes we have multiple port a johns on site that are vleaned every day before showtime.

Yes! Our goal is to give you the best experience while you go through the woods. This means we give a minute between groups to avoid conga lines. With that said, wait time can be longer on certain nights and time of the year. We are offering VIP TICKETS. For $10.00 more you cut your time in half if not more then the general admission line and get to the screaming and entertainment faster! Keep and eye out on our ticket options...we have something really cool planned for an even better experience! 

How do I get to the  Terrorfied  Forest ?

Is it really a forest?

Some helpful FAQ'S and tips to plan your visit.

Once you enter the attraction to the ticket booth you can not smoke. Please be respectful of the woods! If you are seen smoking we do have the right to ask you to leave the property. Keep in mind, you do not know who is pregnant, respect the children and those who have allergies. Only smoke in the parking lot by your car please. If we have to ask over and over we may ask you to leave and If you already paid for your ticket, there will be no refund.

Can I smoke at the attraction?

When is the best time to come?

Depends. If you don't want to wait too long or don't like big crowds then we recommend coming on a Thursday or Sunday. Coming through in Sept or early October is best too.
If you love hanging out with other fellow Halloween fans, snack on some food, just have a social good time.  Come on a Friday and Saturday.
We offer VIP on all nights. Regardless we have posted on several pages and social platforms about planning your night. Please be kind and don't yell at us for being busy. We spend all year to make this event happen and are actual people. Please be kind. We are thrilled to have so many people come to see us and return each year.

Are there strobe lights?

Yes,  We do have some but not many strobe lights and spinning tunnels. However we do know how this can be a disappointment with those that these things affect. Please let us know ahead of time that you have concerns and we can guide you through the haunt and take you around each area that is of concern. We want everyone to have a great time! 

Terrorfied Forest has every right to remove any person(s) from the event for any reason that they seem fit that can cause a disruption or cause harm to any staff or customers on site. There is no use of drugs on the property and you will be removed and possible law enforcement will be notified if necessary. Underage drinking will 100% not be tolerated and law enforcement will be notified. Law enforcement will be notified if any person(s) of age appear to be intoxicated and is unfit to care for themselves. Food and garbage is not permitted through the forest. NO CELL PHONE/CAMERA/VIDEO FOOTAGE IS PERMITTED INSIDE THE FOREST. TERRORFIED FOREST HAS THE RIGHT TO ESCORT THOSE WHO FILM WITHOUT PERMISSION OUT.  

Are there snacks?

Yes! We have a concession stand full of snacks, treats, our very known donuts! This is a night event so we are here to fill that sweat tooth and snack craving.

Can I buy Merchandise?

Absolutely! Come to our concession stand to purchase clothing and other fun items!

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